Helping you understand the Crypto world

Cryptocurrencies to invest in.

Aaaaaa……………..the holy grail. So you’ve noticed that there are A LOT of cryptocurrencies out there and there are SO many people trying to convince you to buy them all. But how on earth do you know which ones you should buy and which are simply a waste of time? Well there are a number of ways to find which is the next best thing to hit the crypto world but knowing which method is right for you is a factor of what sort of time commitments you are willing to put into this venture. If you’re interested in an overview of what Crypto Currencies are then check out my blog right here. If not, then read on my friend…

Can’t someone just tell me what to do?

Yes! The great news is there is someone (probably a number of people to be honest) out there who can tell you which crypto to buy and when to sell it in order to maximise your profits. No it’s not me. But it just so happens I know a guy who knows a guy that IS the person you’ve been looking for. When I first started looking to invest in crypto it didn’t take long to feel WAY out of my depth and VERY intimidated by all the charts and numbers and fancy words being flung about. I was lucky enough to find a YouTube channel called Crypto With James. It’s run by a lovely guy called James McMahon. I encourage you to Google him to verify he’s the real deal. In short, James runs a members only website offering numerous tutorial videos that explains how you get started in crypto………….from which platforms to buy it from to keeping it safe as well as the all important – which coins should I buy?

Now I can sense a feeling of caution from you as you read this – and rightly so – you should be cautious when it comes to ANY form of investment, regardless of what it is. I’ll ease any anxiety and let you know that James does not under any circumstances take your investment from you to manage. He teaches you how to do that on your own. What he does is send you daily emails explaining how the market is performing and ever so often one telling you to jump on coin xxx as it has the potential to increase massively in value. James is well known for predicting a coin called “Fantom” would go up significantly in value. At the time he told his members to buy it it was $0.05. Within 9 months it had gone up over 600 times it’s original value. Imagine you had even $50 worth at the start. Yikes! James has advised on numerous occasions that he’s hunting for the next coin to do that (or better) and once he’s found it his members will be first to know. Visit his website to find out more at “Copy My Crypto”.

Copy My Crypto is the safe, easy way to invest in a space for those that don’t have the time or brain capacity to try and figure it all out on your own.

I want to find coins myself.

Coolio! That’s fantastic to hear. So how do I do that? Well the best person to explain this is James McMahon. Here is a 30min YouTube video that walks you through the process he follows when looking for a coin to invest in. I know 30mins is a long time, but it’s 30mins well spent on your crypto education. It’s a real eye opener. Enjoy…………..and take notes!

Is there a book I can read?

Just a few! A quick Google search will probably result in an overwhelming number of books to read. But if you want some guidance as to where to start then read my post on the best cryptocurrency book.

What about doing a training course from home?

Absolutely! There are a number to chose from but I have provided a blog that provides details of the one I recommend.

I hope you have found this page and indeed my site to be of help. I would love to hear from you so drop me a comment below and I promise to get back to you.

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