Should I buy Cryptocurrency?

In the world of finance, few topics have captured the imagination of investors and the general public alike as much as cryptocurrency. Bitcoin this, bitcoin that…………confusing new terminology that is challenging to get your head around. The introduction of this wonderful thing called Cryptocurrency has not only disrupted traditional financial systems but have also made early adopters and savvy investors substantial fortunes. But there can’t be good without evil and the volatile nature of the crypto market, coupled with the lack of regulation, has left many people wondering “Should I buy cryptocurrency?”
If you’re reading this then chances are you’re pretty much on the fence as to weather or not you should take the plunge and dive into the world of Cryptocurrency. After all, there are countless investment vehicles out there to choose from, many tried and tested. One thing to bear in mind is that you shouldn’t invest in Crypto if you see it as a “get rich quick” scheme. Yes, some people have made handsome profits over a very short duration, but others have also lost substantial sums over equally short durations. Generally speaking you should approach Crypto with a long term goal mind set.
To answer the question of “should I buy Crypto”……………………well I can’t give you that answer. Only you can. What I can offer you though is some guidance around what Crypto is (in case you’re not entirely sure), how you can buy it and how you go about finding the right Crypto to buy whilst avoiding those that should never have been established in the first place. Only once you understand the world you’re considering investing in, and all the pro’s and con’s of being part of that world, can you then be in a position to make an informed decision as to whether or not Crypto is for you.
Ok, sounds good. So what IS Crypto?
A lot of people tend to find themselves getting a bit lost when someone tries to explain what Crypto is, mainly because it’s so different to what we are all used to. I think about it like this:
Cryptocurrency is essentially digital money. It’s not physical, like coins or paper money that we’ve had forever. Instead, it’s a kind of money that only exists on the internet. People use computers and special codes to make sure it’s secure. You can use it to buy things online, just like regular money, but it’s all happening in the digital world.
It’s difficult to imagine something that doesn’t exist in reality, something you can’t touch, but it’s there – just out of reach.
How would I buy some?
Imagine you’re out shopping looking to buy some new shoes. You would look for a shoe shop to do that, right? Well the same idea applies to Crypto. When you’re on-line looking to buy Crypto you need to look for website that sells it. These websites are called “Exchanges”. They do exactly as the name suggests – they allow you to exchange your money for Crypto – kind of like a swap shop if you like. A Google search for “cryptocurrency exchanges” will produce a host of options. Personally I use Coinbase as it’s so easy to use, plus the app is very user friendly. But do your own research and find the one best for you. When you create your account don’t be alarmed when you’re asked for ID. This is necessary to safeguard against money laundering and something all exchanges need to verify.

Ok great, but what crypto do I buy?
And welcome to the brick wall that many people often cannot get past. You’re keen to buy some Crypto……you have an account with an exchange all sorted out…….but what now? This is where I found myself in the summer of 2022. How on earth do I pick from all the crypto on the market? I could spend hours researching each one and trying to figure out which are likely to increase in value……………then if and only if I feel confident that the research I’ve done is accurate then I guess I could start buying. But what if I’m wrong……..what if all the research is rubbish……….I’ll lose it all. This is pretty much my thought process at the time!
So what are my options?

Well you COULD spend hours researching to find out what research you need to do (sounds like an awful lot of researching) or you could just sit back and be told what to do and when to do it. Wait, what? Someone will tell me what coins to buy…….when to buy them and when to sell them? Seriously? What’s the catch?
There is no “catch”. Once you sign-up and become a member of Copy My Crypto you’ll receive access to one of the greatest minds in Crypto there is – James McMahon. Yeah I hadn’t heard of him either. James has spend HUNDREDS of hours over the years researching Crypto to death. What he doesn’t know about Crypto isn’t worth knowing. He is exactly what I needed in my hour of doom and gloom and since joining his team in the summer of 2022 I have not looked back.
So how does “Copy My Crypto” work?
Good question! Essentially the way it works is that James will send you a daily email with a 15min or so video of him explaining where he sees the market going and offer advice as to what you should do. He starts each video showing you exactly what coins he holds and offers advice about what coins he’s watching closely and as as soon as he thinks you should buy a particular coin then he’ll tell you. He doesn’t just leave you to it at that point…………..he then offers advice about the new addition to the portfolio and will tell you when he thinks you should sell. Note that it could be months or even years down the line that he decides to sell, or it could be a matter of days or even weeks.
So you don’t need to know anything about the market, nor do you really need to understand all he’s telling you (although you really should dedicate some time to understanding what’s going on), all you need to do is decide if you want to take his advice or not. You are paying a membership fee to be the first to receive his advice, but it’s essentially down to you whether you chose to take it or not.

And the best part…
Well one of the best parts is that at no point do you send any form of investment to him or any account manager to handle the process for you. (FYI – if you ever come across an organisation offering to invest funds for you with guaranteed returns then ensure you do your due diligence as that should be a red flag). Being a member also entitles you access to a suit of tutorial videos explaining exactly how to buy Crypto and how to keep it safe.
James has a YouTube channel where he offers free daily advice so pop on and listen to what he has to say. At the moment he’s offering a 7 day taster to his members only area of a mere $1! That’s worth giving it a try and seeing what coins James holds in the process (as he shares the list of his portfolio at the start of each video). So don’t delay, join James’s team today and get make the best possible start to your Crypto journey.