Helping you understand the Crypto world

Cryptocurrency for beginners.

Exciting……………..isn’t it? This whole Crypto thing that everyone seems to be talking about? But if you’re sitting there thinking you’re the only one who doesn’t have a clue where to begin or how to even start understanding all there is about Crypto then fear not……………’re in great company. If...

Understanding Crypto Currency

It’s like a different language, isn’t it……………all this Crypto talk? Maybe that’s why they call it Crypto……. because it’s all so very “cryptic”. When you’re getting into Crypto you start hearing terms and phrases you’ve either never heard before of ones that just sound like someone is trying to...

Welcome to the Crypto Copier

So who or what is The Crypto Copier? That’s a great question! Essentially the Crypto Copier is your average family man who one day developed an interest in Crypto and decided to find out more about it and in particular how to invest in Crypto. It didn’t take me...

Copy My Crypto

So you like the idea of investing in Crypto, but you’re really not sure how to do it and the thought of trying to understand all there is to know about Blockchains, Mining (no, not that kind), FIAT currency (why are we talking about cars?) is all just too...

Should I buy Cryptocurrency?

In the world of finance, few topics have captured the imagination of investors and the general public alike as much as cryptocurrency. Bitcoin this, bitcoin that…………confusing new terminology that is challenging to get your head around. The introduction of this wonderful thing called Cryptocurrency has not only disrupted traditional...

How to profit with Cryptocurrencies

Money, money, money…it’s a funny old thing, isn’t it? No matter what form of investment you embark on the end goal is always the same – to make money. Unfortunately for most, making money isn’t nearly as straightforward as they think it’s going to be and they either end...

How do I get into Cryptocurrency?

No matter where you turn these days, there seems to be a lot of people talking about cryptocurrency and they also seem to come across as if they know all there is to know about this intriguing subject. And they probably do…………..but chances are they built that knowledge over...

How to invest with Cryptocurrency.

It’s incredible the number of people you hear saying “If only I had bought Bitcoin when it was £1 a coin…”. Yeah – you and me both! I don’t know anyone who bought Bitcoin when it was in its infancy and I myself only jumped on that bandwagon when...

How to buy cryptocurrency anonymously.

In a world where privacy is becoming increasingly rare, the concept of anonymous cryptocurrency purchases stands as a beacon for those seeking to protect their financial transactions. While buying cryptocurrencies anonymously can be a challenging endeavour, it is not an impossible task. In this blog I will delve into...