The best Cryptocurrency book.

So you like to read……………..and you like Crypto………… it’s only natural you want to read all about Crypto to build a solid foundation to help you start your Crypto journey. There are as many books out there to help you along the way………………….but which one is best for YOU? Well that all depends on where you are right now and what it is you’re looking to learn. I have researched A LOT of books and can happily suggest a number of books which I’ve provided review for below. Happy travels!
“Crypto for Beginners”
Untangle the myths, make intelligent investments, and seize the day – understanding cryptocurrencies has never been this easy!

Cryptocurrency is all the rage, no matter which social platform you jump to, which news channel you switch to, or which colleague you are talking to on a slow, dull Monday – you are bound to come across it every single day.
And it all began in 2009 when the now-household crypto – Bitcoin – was first launched. Riding on the newly adopted blockchain technology, by 2013, bitcoin’s value had leaped more than fiftyfold.
The world of crypto, with its complicated concepts and more than 12,000 cryptocurrencies at your disposal, can easily feel overwhelming.
And if you’re looking to understand and invest in cryptocurrencies, but you keep wondering if this space is for you, then you’re in the right place.
In this comprehensive guide to cryptocurrencies – tailored for beginners – you will discover:
- A simplified look at the fundamentals of cryptocurrencies – find out how these digital coins can help you rack up massive wealth, all without losing your focus
- What makes crypto so valuable – follow how these digital coins fare against real-world assets, such as real estate and real money
- Discover MAINSTAY coins that will survive the crash that you can buy now that will have 10X, 100x and even 1000X returns!
- The big and small of investing in cryptocurrencies – comprehensive, practical, and easy-to-follow guide to build multi-generational wealth, perfect for new investors
- What a cryptocurrency exchange is, and how to select the best one for yourself
- Trading and taxes, simplified – maximize your gains and minimize the risks using practical strategies used by crypto experts
- How to create your personal fortress of digital safety – secure your investments and keep scammers at bay by making intelligent and well-informed choices
And much more.
Becoming an expert on cryptos might not be a single-day job, but with this guide, you’ll be able to build a solid foundation that kickstarts your journey into this new world of digital currency, giving you an edge in building wealth that sets you up for life. Simply click here to order your copy from Amazon.
“Cryptocurrency For Beginners”
Ultimate Guide For Trading & Investing Bitcoin and Other Top Altcoins

Cryptocurrency trading is an exciting opportunity to grow your wealth, but there’s a lot more to it than meets the eye.
When even experienced traders admit there’s plenty more to learn, the beginner needs a foundation to build their knowledge on. I’m here to offer that foundation.
While there’s plenty of online resources for people who are already active in cryptocurrency trading, a catch-all resource for beginners is sorely lacking.
While there’s plenty of online resources for people who are already active in cryptocurrency trading, a catch-all resource for beginners is sorely lacking.
That’s why I set out to write just such a resource. The most important step of any journey is knowing what you want out of it, and without a strong foundation in cryptocurrency knowledge, it can be impossible to even know where to start, let alone get the most out of trading.
Whether you’ve been watching Bitcoin grow from the sideline or you have truly no idea what cryptocurrency is or how it works, you can pick up the basics and start your journey now.
There are many different coins, many markets, and many terms and concepts the beginner has to grapple with when setting out to trade cryptocurrency and a good foundation is key to understanding this new opportunity.
Cryptocurrency For Beginners will teach you:
- The fundamentals of cryptocurrency and cryptocurrency trading
- Overviews of key cryptocurrencies, their pros and cons, and how you can make the most out of each
- Cryptocurrency trading safety and security to protect your investments and your future
- Explanations of a variety of trading strategies so you can find the right strategy for you
There’s plenty to learn after you understand the basics, but everybody has to start somewhere. This comprehensive foundational book will give you what you need to get started. From there, you can chart your own course to greater personal wealth.
Don’t get left behind. Cryptocurrency can be an opportunity for everyone, and with a little information, there’s no reason you can’t improve your life substantially by taking part in this massive explosion of occasions. Simply click here to get your copy from Amazon.
Cryptocurrency is here to stay, and now is the time to start learning so you can profit tomorrow!