What Crypto should I buy?

What a great question! As of March 2023, there were just over 22,000 cryptocurrencies in the world so knowing which ones will BOOM and which will sink to the bottom of the ocean is indeed the $64m question.
When it comes to investing, not just crypto investing – I mean ANY form of investing, you need to do your own homework and due diligence in order to make an informed decision. When you are new to a space it’s very difficult to know who to trust and who is just trying to make money off you. Sadly there are probably more people out there presenting themselves as an expert and offering you the earth for a tidy sum of money upfront. It’s important to remember that some may know what they are doing, whilst others are simply quessing.

The crypto world is a very overwhelming and confusing space. No matter where you turn it seems like someone, somewhere is telling you what coin to buy next and how a certain coin is about to “go to the moon”. This is an expression you’ll come across regularly in crypto………….the moon seems to be the ultimate destination for many a coin!
Now don’t get me wrong, some coins have indeed “gone to the moon” and made some people VERY wealthy indeed. There is a view that all the coins destined for the moon have already returned and that the potential to make money in crypto is no longer an option…………….the ship has sailed. Personally I don’t know where this viewpoint comes from. It’s like saying that all the stocks and shares in the world have peaked and nobody will ever make money off them again. It doesn’t take a genius to tell you that is not the case.
Now when it comes to crypto I was once in your shoes. I was looking for a way to understand how the experts (of which there are some) know what coin is about to make the trip to the moon and which are just being hyped up for no reason at all. I dedicated A LOT of time trying to figure it all out and understand the numerous factors that could dictate which coins are worth buying and which are to be avoided at all costs. I’ve even written a blog about it called How to Research Cryptocurrencies which I suggest you read if you would like further information.
After literally months of trying to understand things that just made my head hurt I stumbled across a guy on YouTube called James McMahon. Now James really caught my attention because he wasn’t like the rest. Others were all glitz and glamour and “oooww… look at me, look at my fancy car…” etc. James is a down to earth guy who dedicated a lot of his life to understanding the crypto world and has developed an amazing knowledge base. So much so a few years ago he told his members to buy a coin called FANTOM (Google it). Fantom was available at around 5c a coin. Had you invested £100 in Fantom when James told you to then waited very patiently for 9 months and sold the coin when James told you to then your £100 would have turned into £67,000. I know – WTF?!?
James has said time and time again that this is not a one off. Far from it. He is constantly on the lookout for the next Fantom and YOU can be one of the first to know about it if you did what I did and joined his team. For just $1 you can join for 7 days and gain FULL ACCESS to all the coins James holds and understand WHY he holds them. You’ll have access to his tutorials that explain how you actually buy Crypto and how it all works. So CLICK HERE to find out more.
Ow yeah, if you were interested to know how to find the next BIG coin, watch this 30min video where James explains how he does it.
If you would rather fly under the radar and would like to find out how to buy cryptocurrency anonymously then funny enough you’re in the right place! Shhh…..I’m telling no one.